Onixon Router Admin Setup: Onixon might be a router company that you may not have heard much but it is quite a popular router company that deals with different router models that have both 2.4Ghz and 5.0Ghz dual-band frequencies which have become a huge trend so as to improve the speed performance of their routers.
On the contrary, their prices for all the models are quite normal. That is one good option for reasonable pricing. Along with those features, there is another good feature which is proper and effective usage of the bandwidth of the Internet supply makes the router top-notch to use.
How to Configure Onixon Router from start – Onixon Router Setup Process
Now that you have made the hardware configuration of the router, then it is time for you to follow the router configuration from below in order to make the settings properly.
IP Login Process: We will be using IP address to log into the admin panel
- Open the browser and then enter the IP address into the browser’s address bar
- Then click on go or else the enter button, this will load the login window where you need to enter the username and password
- To continue forward, you have to enter, admin for username and 1234 for the password, then click on the login button

Onixon Router Wireless Configuration Process – Internal Settings
Now that you have access to the Onixon router admin panel through which you can complete the web configuration panel by following the below instructions.
Wireless Settings: Click on SETUP option from the top of the menu section and then click on WiFi Settings from the left sidebar and then you have to make the changes as per the settings below.
- Enable SSID Broadcast: Select this option
- Enable Wireless Isolation: Select this option
- Name (SSID): Enter a name for your router network here
- Region: Select your region or country from the drop down option
- Channel: Select “Auto” option
- Mode: Select “Up to 54Mbps” option
- Under Security Options, select “WPA2-PSK[AES]” option
- Password: You can enter the password for your router network here and then click on Apply button on top of the page

Advanced Wireless Settings: Click on ADVANCED option from the top menu section and then click on WiFi Settings and under this click on Advanced Wireless Settings. And on this page you have to make the settings as per the instructions below.
- Enable Wireless Router Radio: Select this option
- Enable 20/40 MHz Coexistence: Select this option as well
- Enable Wireless Isolation: Select this option
- Enable SSID Broadcast: Select this option as well
- Enable WMM (Wi-Fi multimedia) settings: Select this option
- Fragmentation Length(256-2346): Enter “2346”
- CTS/RTS Threshold (1-2347): Enter “2347”
- Preamble Mode: Select “Automatic” option
- Transmit Power Control: Select “100%” option
- Turn off wireless signal by schedule: do not select this option and then click on Apply button to make the settings
Finally once you follow all the above instructions then you would easily be able to configure the Onixon router.
What is the Default IP for Onixon Router Admin Login?
The Onixon Networks has defined their Wifi Router Default Login IP address to login the admin panel, and they have maintained the default IP at their user manuals along with stick a label on the router.
What is the Default Username for Onixon Router Admin Login?
Everyone can find out the default admin details on the router backside, and they have announced the Onixon Wifi Router Admin Username is ‘admin‘ to login into the Wifi Router Admin Panel
What is the Default Password for Onixon Router Admin Login
The Onixon WiFi Router has announced the admin login default user & password based on the model through the installation guide along with complete information. The Onixon Router Default login password is ‘1234‘
How Can I Login Onixon Router through
Open your browser and type into the address bar. Click go or enter to load the login window, where you should enter your username and password. To proceed, enter admin for the username and 1234 for the password, and then click the login button.
How Can I Reset Onixon Router Settings to Default?
This is take action by pressing the reset button on the back or bottom of your router. Your modem will be restored to factory settings if you press down this small button for about 20 seconds (you may need to use a toothpick).