Lantronics Router Setup: Lantronics is a global provider of Data management and data service but they essentially also have a seperate router brand under the same and there are many products which are sold online as part of their IOT gateways. When the Internet boomed, then they started releasing new router models which were secure and became well known for their connectivity, moreover the prices were less which made a difference and people liked their products. They have different wired and wireless computer networking solutions that you might really be interested to look into as well. In this article we will go over one of their router model in order to share what is the setup process and configuration steps you would have to follow for Lantronics router setup/

How to Setup Lantronics Router Configuration Guide
Make sure that the hardware connection is proper so no connectivity issues arise later on.
IP Login Process: First we will be looking into the router access process, which is important because you can only make the configuration when the admin panel access is there.
- Open your browser and then enter the IP address into the address bar, we will be using IP which is the Internal IP address for Lantronics

- Then in the login page, enter the username as “admin” and the password as “admin” then click on the login button to continue.
- Note: Different models might have different username and password, which you have to confirm first.
Configure Wireless Connection and settings: So now we have access to the admin panel and from that, we have to head to the wireless settings section in order to make the necessary changes for the router. Go to Interface setup and then select “Wireless” option and under which you have to make the changes as below.
- Access Point: Select the option “Activated”
- SSID: You can enter any name here and this is your router’s network name which can be as per your own preference
- Broadcast SSID: Select “Yes” option here
- Channel ID: Select the “Channel01 2412MHz” option from the drop-down menu
- Authentication Type: Select the “Disable” option from the drop-down menu
- Beacon Interval: Enter “100” here
- RTS/CTS Threshold: Enter “2347” here
- Fragmentation Threshold: Enter “2346” option here
- DTM: Enter “3” here
- 802.11 b/g: Select “802.11b+g” option from the drop down menu
- Under the Wireless MAC Address Filter, select “Activated” option and for Action select “Allow Association” option and then click on the save button at the bottom of the page.

Security Setup: Now go to the Advanced settings and under this make the said security settings.
- WPA Type: Select “PSK+WPA” option here
- SSID Name: Select the SSID which you have setup in the above step
- Pre-Shared Key Type: Select “PSK2+WPA” from the drop-down options
- Pre-Shared Key: You have to enter your password here and make sure that the password is at least 8 characters long and then click on the save button for the changes to take place.
Thank you for reading this guide about the Lantronics setup process and now you will be able to configure any of the router models under this brand easily.
What is the Default IP for Lantronics Router netadmin Login?
The Lantronics Router has designated as their Wifi Lantronics Router Default Login IP address for accessing the netadmin panel, and they have kept the default IP in their user guides and on the Lantronics Router.
What is the Default Username for Lantronics Router netadmin Login?
The default netadmin username may be created by the netadmin, and the Lantronics Router netadmin Username is ‘admin’ for logging into the Lantronics Router netadmin Panel.
What is the Default Password for Lantronics Router netadmin Login?
The default netadmin Password may be created by netadmin, and the Lantronics Router netadmin password is ‘PASS’ for logging into the Lantronics Router netadmin Panel.
How do I change/Reset the netadmin username or password of Lantronics Router device?
The only way to admin access to the web management system if the admin password is lost or forgotten is to reset the Lantronics Router settings to factory defaults. To reset the password, the user must push and hold the reset button for at least 20 seconds.