Kalatel Router Setup: Kalatel is a router brand very famous in easter Europe with a variety of brand models hovering all across the world. They come with dual gain bandwidth allocation and speed performance features that have made fans love using these routers. At the same time being available at reasonable costs has also made such a difference.

How to setup Kalatel Router – Kalatel Router Configuration Process
If you are done with the hardware settings, then you can follow the below steps to setup the router.
- First open the IP address into your browser
- Then enter the username and the password as “admin” and “3477” respectively, then click on login to continue.

Wireless Configuration for Kalatel Routers
Now, since you have access to the router admin panel now it is time for you to go over the setup process which will basically help you to configure the wireless connection.
Basic – Wireless: Here go to the “Wireless” section and then select the “Basic” option from the left sidebar and then click on that option, then you will see the settings option and make the changes as shown below.
- Enable Wireless: Select this option
- SSID: As we all know, this is your router network name and you have to enter the name here which can be as per your preference.
- Country: This should be selected as per the country you are in, you can find all the countries from the drop-down menu option.
- Max Clients: 5 is a good number to be put here, but you can have any number of clients or users that can use the wireless connection at a single time as per your own preference
- Then click on the Apply/Save button which will complete the basic wireless configuration

Advanced – Wireless: Now go to the Advanced settings under the wireless section and then make the necessary changes as suggested below.
- Band: Select the “2.4GHz” option from the drop-down menu
- Channel: Select the “Auto” option from the drop-down menu
- Bandwidth: 20MHz in both Bands
- RIFS Advertisement: Select the “Auto” option here as well
- Multicast Rate: Select the “Auto” option here
- Basic Rate: Select the “All” option from the drop-down menu options
- Then do not change the options or settings for all other options, and simply click on the Apply/Save button at the bottom of the page.
- Security – Wireless: Now the main aspect of the wireless setting is that we have to make sure that the security and passwords are set up fine as per the below instructions.
- Enable WPS: Select “Disabled” option here
- Select SSID: Select any of the SSID or the SSID we have set up in the above process to assign a password from the below

Security – Wireless: Let us configure the security settings as per below instructions.
- Enable WPS: Select “Disabled” option here
- Select SSID: Select the SSID we have set up above, and we will assign a password to it from the below steps.
- Network Authentication: Select the “WPA2-PSK” option here
- WPA/WAPI Passphrase: Enter the password here
- WPA Group Relay Interval: Enter “0” here
- WPA/WAPI Encryption: Select “TKIP+AES” option
- WEP Encryption: Select “Disabled” option and then click on the Apply/Save button for the changes to take place.

What is the Default IP for Kalatel Router Login?
The Kalatel Router has defined their Wifi Kalatel Router Default Login IP address to login the admin panel, and they have maintained the default IP at their user manuals along with stick a label on the Kalatel Router.
What is the Default Username for Kalatel Router Login?
The default admin username may be created by the admin, and the Kalatel Router Username is ‘admin’ for logging into the Kalatel Router Panel.
What is the Default Password for Kalatel Router Login?
The default admin Password may be created by admin, and the Kalatel Router password is ‘admin’ for logging into the Kalatel Router Panel.
How do I change/Reset the admin username or password of Kalatel Router device?
The only way to gain access to the web management system if the administrator password is lost or forgotten is to reset the Kalatel Router settings to factory defaults. To reset the password, the user must push and hold the reset button for at least 20 seconds.